Reduce Pet Allergies in Your Home with These 5 HVAC Tips

June 7, 2023

Living with pets can be a great pleasure but can also trigger pet allergies. You can reduce these allergies and maximize your comfort with an HVAC system. Here are some ways to reduce pet allergies with your HVAC system: 1. Change the Air Filters Regularly Air filters help capture pet dander, dust, and other allergens. Make sure to replace your air filter at least every three months to keep these particles from circulating in your home. When changing the filters, the professional should also inspect the HVAC system for any other signs of allergens, such as mold or dirt buildup. 2. Use a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter HEPA filters are designed to capture tiny particles, including pet dander. Using a HEPA filter in your HVAC system can vastly reduce the number of pet allergens in your home. These filters are different from the standard filters in that they have finer mesh, which catches more particles. 3. Use an Air Cleaner An air scrubber is a device that cleans the air as it passes through the HVAC system. They are designed to catch and trap pet allergens, so they can be removed from your home. Check with a professional to...

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Should You Cover Your Air Conditioner After Summer?

September 20, 2020

Summer is coming to an end and winter looming in the distance. Thus, you need to prepare for a change in seasons as a homeowner. Check the doors and windows of your home. Clean the gutters as you prepare for the falling seeds and leaves. Additionally, ensure you change the filters of your air purifier ad cover any unprotected water lines. Subsequently, check the air conditioner. It is vulnerable, and you are not sure whether to cover it or not. Here are some things to consider when making the choice. Designed for the Job An outdoor air conditioner is designed as an all-weather device. Once it’s operational, the airflow around it should not be impeded since the AC transfers heat from the inside of your home to the outside. Covering any airflow routes will complicate the unit’s ability to function. Wait until you’re sure you won’t be using it to cover the unit. Leaves and Seeds The falling of flowers and seeds characterizes the fall season. Ventilation slots in the air conditioner are located at the top. Thus, some debris from the trees can get into the AC and form moisture, which can corrode the AC. Large nuts like walnuts...

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Is It Bad to Run My Heating System 24/7?

January 11, 2020

When the colder months hit, do you run your heating system all the time or set your thermostat and allow your system to turn on and off to regulate the temperature? Both are effective ways of keeping your home comfortable, but let’s take a look specifically at running a heating system non-stop throughout the season. If you need professionals to service your furnace or heating system, in Solon, Ohio, can handle your needs. The following are answers to questions you might have when deciding whether or not to run their heating systems all the time. Does Constantly Running a Heating System Cause Excessive Wear and Tear? While running your heating system continuously might seem like a lot of work, they’re designed to handle that type of workload. Also, when you’re not running your system all the time, you’re forcing your furnace and the rest of your system to power up and power down many times throughout a day. This makes your system work just as hard, if not harder, than running it 24/7. Will It Cost More to Run It Continuously? It may cost more, but ultimately, it depends on how efficient your heating system is. Some high-efficiency furnaces and...

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