3 Ways to Increase Your Air Quality During Winter Months

November 18, 2022

Winter is a great time of year. The holidays are around the corner, and there’s nothing like a good snowfall to make everything feel festive. However, as temperatures drop and you spend more time indoors, the quality of your air can suffer. Dust mites, mold, and poor ventilation can all lead to stuffy noses, coughing, and irritated eyes. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to improve the air quality in your home this winter. 1. Keep Humidity Levels in Check During the winter months, humidity levels inside your home can drop significantly. This can cause a variety of problems, such as static electricity and an increased risk of respiratory infections. To combat this, invest in a humidifier. This will help add moisture back into the air and make your home more comfortable overall. 2. Change Your Furnace Filter Regularly Your furnace filter is there for a reason – to trap dust, pollen, and other allergens so they don’t circulate through your home. But over time, filters get clogged and need to be regularly changed. Most experts recommend changing your furnace filter at least once every three months. However, if you have pets or someone in your home...

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