How Winter Affects the Air Quality in Your Home
Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, with much of that time spent at home. During winter, this percentage increases even further, making indoor air quality a critical concern. Poor air quality can contribute to both immediate and long-term health effects. Here’s a closer look at how winter conditions can influence the air quality in your home. Higher Pollution Concentration Levels Pollution levels in the home often increase during winter due to several factors. For one, outdoor pollution significantly impacts the quality of indoor air, and pollution levels tend to be higher in colder months. Many homes and businesses run fuel-based heating systems, and vehicle emissions increase in low temperatures. Additionally, cold air is denser, slowing down its movement and allowing pollutants to accumulate. Temperature inversions in winter, where warmer air traps pollutants near the ground to prevent them from dispersing, can further increase pollution levels. Another factor is the airtight structure of many homes. Modern homes are built to be highly energy-efficient, which requires tightly sealed construction. While this reduces energy costs, it also limits natural ventilation, and this causes pollutants to accumulate indoors. Many homes rely solely on heating systems for ventilation, which may not be sufficient....
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