The Dangers of Reusing AC Filters

August 11, 2020

In order to save some money, you may try to clean off your HVAC’s air filter and reuse it. This is not worth the possible money that it may save you. Here are four reasons why it may be counterproductive to try to reuse an air filter. A Backed-Up Filter Can Damage Your HVAC A dirty AC filter can place your HVAC system itself in jeopardy. You can never quite clean and reuse air filters well enough. As a result, the filter may pile up with debris on its second usage. When that happens, it could damage the HVAC system, which has to work even harder to do its job with a dirty filter. It Can Contribute to Indoor Air Pollution Reusing an AC filter will also pollute the air inside your home. There will still be old particles in the filter, and these will get recirculated in your home as the HVAC blows air. If you have allergies or any type of respiratory condition, they will be aggravated by the dirty air that you are breathing. A Wet Filter Gets Moldy There are several different ways that you would try to clean a filter to reuse it. One is...

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How to Clean the Air in my Home to Avoid Viruses

April 16, 2020

Many people are concerned with how to remove viruses from their Solon, Ohio, home’s air. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every big city and small town throughout Northeast Ohio and around the world, and keeping your home’s air clean and healthy is more important now than ever. Here are three tips on how to clean the air in your home in order to avoid the spread of viral infections. 1. Change Your HVAC Filter Although most HVAC filters cannot capture viruses, changing them every 30 to 60 days will help your respiratory health. Choose the highest minimum efficiency reported value (MERV) rating for HVAC filters. The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particles it captures. A high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) HVAC filter is also a good choice. They capture large viruses 0.3 microns in size. 2. Use an Air Purifier Air purifiers sterilize your home’s air. They may use UV-C irradiation or activated carbon. There are also air filters that use ozone to break apart the protein envelopes of viruses and cell walls of bacteria, mold and pollen. Choose a room-size air purifier for a bedroom, or consider a whole-house air purifier installed by our technicians. 3. Add Ventilation Better...

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